Windows 11 revealed

Now I have the Windows 11 on my laptop, the most notorious thing are the rounded corners in all apps/windows:

Clock View

I found a great difference between Windows 10 and this Windows 11, the applications are running faster in this Windows 11.

Task View
Main Menu

The classical menu remains but with a fresher appearance.

The File Explorer window have the same new icons started in Windows 10.

File Explorer

You can choose between multiple desktop background options, dark or clear:

Display Options


In summary Windows 11 is really an evolution of Windows 10, what I like the most is that the applications run faster in this windows 11. The display options also improved a lot.


En resumen Windows 11 si se nota como una evolución de Windows 10, lo que más me gusta es que las aplicaciones de verdad corren más rápido en este windows 11. Las opciones de visualización también mejoraron mucho.

Lo recomiendo.

Windows 10 new icons

These are the new icons in Windows 10, they are trying to give a fresh appearance . After so many years watching the same old icons, these new icons don’t look so much new.

For people that started to work with windows 10, they maybe don’t note so many changes, but for people experienced with Windows 95, 98, 2000, etc. They can perceive a great change.

The notepad has a new icon too as well apps like paint, paint 3d, calculator, camera, etc:

The Windows Menu is almost the same, but easy to configure and change:

Let’s wait for Windows 11 that the real change will be noted there. In the meantime enjoy your current Windows 10.