ScriptManagerNotFoundException: The Report Viewer Web Control requires a System.Web.UI.ScriptManager on the web form.

ScriptManagerNotFoundException: The Report Viewer Web Control requires a System.Web.UI.ScriptManager on the web form.

If you get this error after add a new report viewer to a web page, you must add a ScriptManager from “AJAX Extensions” in the toolboox. This will correct this error.

Si le sale este error luego de adicionar un report viewer en la página web, debe adicionar un ScriptManager desde “AJAX Extensions” de la caja de herramientas. Esto corregirá el error.

My win7 restarted by itself today

This was today March/10/2011 at 8:15am It not only happen to me, another computer at the office was restarted with no clue about reason. After that i checked the System Restore panel and I found that a “Critical Update” was installed a few minutes before the restart. This means that we can’t control some updates? Main problem here was that all my opened windows were closed and my unsaved work was lost.!!! Who can be blamed for this?