Import an Existing Key crashes Xamarin Windows to Macintosh

“Xamarin Studio sometimes crashes with SIGABRT in gtk_text_view_validate_onscreen() after password is entered during “Import an Existing Key” in “Build -> Archive for Publishing -> Sign and Distribute” workflow. ”

For me this was happening over and over again, I was publishing on windows with a signing key and when I try to publish my solution with a new key on my Mac, of course the first problem was: App not install, an existing package with the same name with conflicting signature is already installed, So I decided to import my existing signature key from windows, to do this I copied the signature file from c:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\Keystore every time I try in Mac to import that Key I got the crash of Tamarin with a really big amount of data to be sent to Apple. The only way I had to beat this was the following (sorry that it is not a technical but procedural solution):

0. Copy from the windows keystore directory the file to import to your local Mac drive.

1. Open the solution that you are importing the key, open a few source files and let them opened.

2. Close the solution, immediately go to preferences , publishing, Android Signing Keys, Click on Import an Existing Key.

3. Go to your local Mac drive and choose the signature key by click on Browse button, once you have selected the signature file it must be shown in the window without a crash. To finish click on Import Certificate button.

Hope this “procedural” solution helps you, I expend more than 2 days searching in forums and couldn’t find the solution. Its supposed this bug was reported as Bug 30072 and fixed already, but don’t.